Choose Tap - Yarra Valley Water



Yarra Valley Water


Choose Tap is an initiative encouraging the community to choose tap water over bottled by carrying a reusable bottle while on the go.

An initiative of the City of Monash in partnership with Yarra Valley Water, the campaign aim is reducing the amount of plastic into landfill that results in pollution. In capturing the human side of Yarra City Water, the diversity of talent filmed and photographed encompassed the breadth of community and local businesses impacted by the initiative. 

In showing the installation of water fountains across Melbourne East, we delivered the message that choosing tap is both the sustainable and healthy choice. 


  • Hand-drawn storyboards and shot lists

  • 45 sec videos at three sporting locations

  • 3 x 8 sec videos for instagram with graphics and titles over imagery

  • Hero shots of each location with intro/outro slides

  • High resolution photography for use across social media platforms