Animation “explainer” videos have become a very popular communication tool, in part due to COVID and the rise of working from home.  

Explainers are short, bright and punchy animated videos used to communicate your message and boost your brand in a clear way. They can be used across a wide range of screen platforms, from your website’s landing page to newsletters and social media. Best of all, they generate a higher level of audience engagement and click-throughs than text or photos alone.

Our clients have used explainers to:

  • Introduce or promote brands, products and services

  • Connect and engage with the community around a project

  • Communicate initiatives and campaigns with staff, customers and partners

  • Showcase innovative ways their organisation is adapting to COVID-19.

Animated explainer videos are so effective because they are:

  • Dynamic

  • Short and sweet

  • Able to explain complex or challenging concepts in an engaging way

  • Targeted to your specific audience.

We would love to support you in your communication. An explainer is a smart way to:

  • Connect with your audience

  • Evoke an emotional response

  • Generate a call to action

  • Set you apart from the competition

  • Portray your values and credibility.

Not sure where to start? Let us do the heavy lifting and get your project off the ground. We offer very competitive rates to fit your project and your budget. Contact us for a chat!